DOLKOM sp. z o.o.

Dolnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Komunikacyjnej DOLKOM sp. z o.o in Wrocław deals with the repairs of track superstructure within the scope of the major repairs and current maintenance of tracks and turnouts at railway lines and railway stations. In recent years revitalisation works aimed at improving railway infrastructure condition were carried out as well.
In organizational unit of the company - Machines Repair Establishment - we repair our own machines and track works equipment and we offer repair services to PKP Group companies and to external entities.
DOLKOM sp. z o.o. in Wrocław is a successor of Polish Railway Plants existing since 1954, performing repairs of track superstructure with mechanised system. Road Branch of Mechanized Works in Wrocław was the first plant of the company. It was established on 1 April 1954.
The first machines used by the Branch were SBR manual container cranes for laying tracks and PD 90 tamping machine. A breakthrough moment in the history of the Mechanized Works Departament was the delivery of high-performance machines for rail works. The first purchased machines were OT 400A gravel steel mill no. 19 and SLC 06-32 track tamping machines no. 819 and 838.
In the 1970s and 1980s other OT 400 steel mills and MD - 07 32 tamping machines of a new type were purchased. Assortment of machines was extended by track moulding machines of USP type, PLM and UNIMAT tamping machines for turnouts, CSM track tamping machine, DGS dynamic stabilizer and PŁT ballast shoulder moulding machines. These were modern machines of high technical level guaranteeing high work efficiency.
As of 1 September 2001 plant was transformed in company named Dolnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Komunikacyjnej DOLKOM sp. z o.o. Since 2006 the Company has maintained current organizational structure, consisting of five Sections of Infrastructure Repairs, Equipment - Transport Section and Machines Repairs Plant.
DOLKOM was given carrier safety certificate and certificate of an entity responsible for maintenance required by Act on railway transport.
Recent years of good economic situation for railway construction market enabled increasing company profits, which were used for equipment modernization. Extra revenue was used for equipment modernization. New, compatible with cleaner TMS loose materials transporters, RM 80 UHR, modern gravel steel mill of Plasser&Theurer company and self-unloading carriages for loose materials transport were purchased. PRSM rail welding machines working systems were modernized.
The scope of services provided by DOLKOM includes:
- repairs of track superstructure,
- modernization, revitalisation and major repairs of railway stations and railway lines, in particular within the scope of replacement of track structure, turnouts and repair of the subgrade with UK cranes, SBT track layers and EDK cranes,
- current repairs of railway lines with Plasser&Theurer high-efficiency heavy equipment for railway track works,
- works related to maintenance of railway infrastructure, especially tracks, turnouts, subgrade and track superstructure diagnostics and geodesic surveying,
- construction, repair of and maintenance of engineering facilities such as bridges, flyovers, road and railway culverts,
- performance of works related to construction and maintenance of platforms, passages and cubature facilities,
- storage of track superstructure materials, installations and dismantling of track superstructure along with transport and segregation of materials.
Machines repairs:
- planned repairs (main and average) and elimination of machines for track works and of machines for repairs of traction network, including CSM and UNIMAT tamping machines, MTW network trains,
- regeneration of tamping aggregates for track and turnout tamping machines,
- conducting of maintenance activities of P3 - P5 level (chassis inspections) of special-purpose rail vehicles for the purpose of issuing approvals for use of a vehicle,
- conducting repairs of cranes of EDK 300 series and other crane devices installed on traction vehicles together with chassis revision and commissioning by technical inspector on the basis of TDT M-/N-36/04 qualifications,
- major and average repairs of PRSM rails welders, replacement of analogue measuring system of parameters with digital one, change of welding heads type,
- professional diagnostics and repair of electronic elements and subassemblies of control systems and automation system and the power hydraulics elements.
Dolnośląskie Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury Komunikacyjnej
DOLKOM sp. z o. o. we Wrocławiu
Hubska 6
50-502 Wrocław
+48 71 717-56-30
fax +48 71 717-51-64