PNUIK sp. z o.o.

Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie Sp. z o.o. (Railway Infrastructure Repair and Maintenannce Ltd. in Cracov, PNUIK), implementing the commissioned tasks with utmost diligence and on time, significantly contributes to the development of and improvement in railway infrastructure in Poland. The priority of our company is constant improvement in quality of the services provided, by use of cutting-edge technologies (such as EDILON and REDA 2000 track superstructures, laying turnouts on pre-tensioned prestressed concrete turnout sleepers, laying pretensioned prestressed concrete sleepers with elastic rails fastening), modernization of machine park (purchase of new machines for railway, traction network and construction works and railway transport vehicles). The above technologies are implemented for the purpose of raising crossing speed and increasing passenger comfort. The primary purpose of the Company is fulfilment of the needs and the requirements of our Clients, at the same time keeping prices competitive. In 2018, the Company successfully entered the market of railway network energy and traction services. In the last quarter of 2020 the Company created a railway traffic signalling division. Its main task is railway traffic signalling construction works both during railway track maintenance and repairs and in performance of the company’s investment tasks.
Our goal is to increase in Customer Satisfaction by effective use of quality management system, together with the processes related to continuous improvement of the system and provision of compliance with requirements of Clients and the provisions of applicable regulations.
PKP Branch of Mechanized Roadworks in Kraków was established in 1954 as a unit of Krakowska (later Południowa) Regional Directorate of State Railways.
The branch conducted repairs of tracks, subgrade and turnouts, using for this purpose high-performing equipment and machines of both national production and of production of reputable foreign companies: Matisa (Switzerland) and Plaser & Theurer (Austria).
Already in the 1970s, the then DOM owned three Trains for Mechanical Surface Works, Installation – Disassembly Base in Dębica and Base of Machines and Equipment in Kraków.
As of 1 April 1996 Dębica became the seat of a company. As a result of progressing reorganization of PKP on 1 July 1998 Infrastructure Repairs Plant in Dębica was created, which included the following executive units:
- Section of Mechanical Surface Works with seat in Tarnów,
- Section of Mechanical Maintenance Works with seat in Dębica,
- Section of Mechanized Turnout Machines with seat in Dębica,
- Surface Base in Dębica,
- Base of Machines and equipment in Kraków.
On 1 October 1974 PKP Branch of Mechanized Roadworks in Sucha Beskidzka was established. Its main task was to conduct capital works related to structure and subgrade engineering. Within the Branch operated three executive units, i.e. Management of Capital Works and Engineering Structures and Subgrade: Sucha Beskidzka, Tarnów and Rzeszów. Moreover, in 1976 Base of Machines and Equipment in Sucha Beskidzka was created.
As of 01 April 1984 Branch was converted in Branch of Mechanized Engineering Works and Subgrade. Quantity of executive units increased, three Trains of Engineering Mechanized Works in Bochnia, Przeworsk and Sucha Beskidzka and three Trains of Mechanized Subgrade Works in Tarnów, Krakow and Łańcut, as well as Mechanized Train of Repairs of Machines and Equipment in Sucha Beskidzka were created.
As a result of organizational changes in PKP road service on 1 January 1995 Bridge Branch based in Sucha Beskidzka was created. The main responsibility of the Branch was administration and maintenance of technical efficiency of railway engineering facilities.
For the purpose of implementation of tasks specified in the Organization Regulations of Bridge Branch at the area of South Regional Directorate of Koleje Państwowe, 6 Sections of Maintenance of Engineering Facilities were established in: Sucha Beskidzka, Bochnia, Krakow-Prokocim, Przeworsk, Zagórze and Nowy Sącz; Section of Mechanized Maintenance of Engineering Facilities in Sucha Beskidzka and Section of Diagnostics and Supervision of Engineering Facilities in Krakow-Prokocim.
As a result of further reorganization of PKP on 1 July 1998 Bridge Branch was transformed into Bridge Plant with seat in Sucha Beskidzka. On 1 October 2001 PKP S.A. Infrastructure Repairs Plant in Dębica and PKP S.A. Bridge Branch in Sucha Beskidzka merged into one company, with seat in Kraków at Prokocimska Street 4, named Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie Spółka z o.o.
The scope of services provided by PNUIK Sp. z o.o. includes:
- carrying out complex construction works, modernization and current repairs of track superstructure (stations, railway lines, crossings of vehicle roads with tracks, railway sidings, platforms, etc.),
- carrying out complex construction, modernization and current repairs of engineering facilities (steel bridges and reinforced concrete bridges, flyovers, culverts, footbridges for pedestrians, technological footbridges, etc.),
- carrying out complex construction, modernization and current repairs of traction network,
- railway traffic signalling,
- rental of track machinery and construction machines.
We own modern equipment, all the works are conducted by highly qualified technical - engineering personnel with proper authorizations.
Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie Sp. z o.o.
Prokocimska 2B
30-556 Kraków
+48 12 623-32-00
fax +48 12 623-32-35